At the British International School and Montessori Education, our learners’ safety is paramount as learners come to and from school. We want to ensure that our parents and guardians are aware of all the applicable regulations as they come to drop off and pick up their children.
Parents and drivers are not permitted to cause unnecessary congestion that could lead to limited visibility that places our learners at risk. All parents and drivers must adopt the drop off and turn around by procedure. The drop of zones can only accommodate one vehicle at a time. Vehicles may not remain parked in this zone for any period of time. Other vehicles must wait in line for their turn.
We are strongly encouraging all families that routinely pick up their after school children to use a designated area away from these trouble zones to ensure the safe crossing and reduce risk to all students.We truly need everyone’s cooperation and best effort to faithfully follow the recommendations.Please communicate this information with aunts, uncles, grandparents, spouses who may be dropping off or picking your child(ren).